Tuesday, 22 March 2011

it's time to start documenting  my life before i forget.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Saturday, 19 February 2011

just been looking through my old college sketchbooks.
what a difference confidence makes.

this week i've been missing real important things in favour of sleeping and gin.
need to get back on track.

Best Coast - I Want You.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

being a brat

sick of everything.
time to catch up on work, sob my way through Control and overdose on lockets.

madame yevonde - the goddesses

off to go try a few self portraits of my own once i recover emotionally from this film..

Sunday, 6 February 2011

so everything is kinda rubbish right now..
but i just slept off 5 hangovers and lack of sleep from going out every night this week and now I'm ready for anything.
it's just a shame its half four..

still need to get my act together for uni tomorrow morning and find a way to photograph a tea cup :(

Monday, 31 January 2011


okay so, I might have gotten a little too over-excited and bought 8 objects but I can't wait to go location shooting tomorrow :) xxx

5 objects.

Sunday, 30 January 2011


i finally got an idea to try for my new project.
i'm so excited !

Saturday, 29 January 2011

i need to get a life and stop being so social.

thursday consisted of a cider and sambuca fuelled all-nighter with the most friendly and kind people i've ever met. i came home at 7:30am, slept, went to work and did it all over again.
most of my reading weeks have consisted of: work drink sleep work drink sleep.
i need to get a life and stop being a waste.

i bought two objects for my photography task on thursday though.
a bunch of fake roses and two straw animals.
really not sure what to do with them yet but i'll hink of something this week.
and i'm busy researching 'constructed narratives' in photography
lots of self doubt on how i'm gona portray this myself but the artist's photos are amazing.

anyway, i'd better get to bed..
i have to be up in 4 hours to go rummaging in boot sales for my other three objects for my project, some garish costumes and props for a Cindy Sherman-esque test shoot for my new brief and some little treats and trinkets for myself wouldn't hurt anyone.

Jennifer Zwick, 2005, The Reader.

The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


I have had an awful day I can't ignore. I can't deal with the real adult world and real decisions like house hunting. I wish I could stay in bed and wait til everything passes me by..

I finally got my inter-semester work sent through.
I have to buy five items in a charity shop (pretty excited) and take them to locations around Bristol to photograph them. gona need to prove i am creative and brave and don't hide behind my research books like last time.

and i found out my next brief will be on CONSTRUCTED NARRATIVES.
it all sounds pretty vague to me, I really don't have any ideas.
I have to shoot loads and read up on loads before I go back to uni, so I'll post my inspiration here for future reference.

First thoughts:

maybe something like a Cindy Sherman study of female characters in films?
OR Luke Mitchell <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/4401758?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=cccccc" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/4401758%22%3EYoung Artist Series: Luke Mitchell: Moonshine Series</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/conspirators%22%3EWeTheConspirators%3C/a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com%22%3evimeo%3c/a%3E.%3C/p>
his use of personal experience and feeling and an open story for everyone to engage in inspires me.

OR something really film noir, murder mystery-y.

anyway, cup of green tea and then off to bed, gotta search through all the charity shops tomorrow morning to find five really quirky and cute things to put in locations :).
wish me luck xx